Secondary School | Cadolzburg

The idea is characterised by the interlocking of landscape and building. The result is a heavily greened school landscape, topped by large-crowned future trees and structured by areas of grasses and shrubs. These are insect-friendly and serve as retention areas. The central areas are paved with permeable concrete and grass paving. A bird protection planting with native shrubs and a border of wild herbs forms the border to the east. Where there is no need for a walkable lawn, lean meadows contribute to biodiversity.
The equipment elements are multifunctional - for example, a chill deck that can be converted into a stage or a seating area as an outdoor break meeting point and classroom. The schoolyard also includes an exercise area that combines sport and fun.

Leibniz-Secondary School | Essen

The overall open space planning concept aims to create differentiated schoolyard areas with different characters, atmospheres and functions for a wide range of uses.
The urban positioning of the new buildings creates a flowing open space structure that forms three connected schoolyard areas. In the southern area, a green open space with a learning and play landscape will be created. In the centre of the site, an open, multifunctional square area will be created, which will also form the main access point for bicycle and pedestrian traffic to the school. In the northern area, the focus is on functional sports fields. The Kiss & Ride zone and underground car park access are also located in this area.

Max-Planck-Institute | Mülheim an der Ruhr

For the open space, an attractive sequence from public to private green is proposed - from the "green centre" on the slope, to the more intimate residential courtyards with meeting places and tenants' gardens, to the private gardens directly at the house - generous balcony zones and façade greening also enable greenery on the upper floors with their own cultivation possibilities. The largely car-free neighbourhood is accessed from the outside, and sufficient parking spaces are provided for stationary traffic on the peripheries.

Busso-Peus Street | Münster

Close to the Rhine in the Kaiserswerth district, a nature-based and sustainable neighbourhood is to be created in line with the "Landscape shapes city" concept. The identity is characterised by the integration of the landscape and the mix of housing types. The squares and streets follow the principle of the sponge city and are characterised by a high proportion of unsealed surfaces. The entrance to the new neighbourhood is formed by a large square that connects the railway station, the school and the new residential quarter. Various meeting and recreational areas will be created here, structured by large green spaces. Attractive public squares and play areas without traffic congestion will be created in the residential neighbourhood. Semi-public residential courtyards as well as private and communal green spaces create communicative neighbourhoods.

Kalkumer Schlossallee | Düsseldorf

Close to the Rhine in the Kaiserswerth district, a nature-based and sustainable neighbourhood is to be created in line with the "Landscape shapes city" concept. The identity is characterised by the integration of the landscape and the mix of housing types. The squares and streets follow the principle of the sponge city and are characterised by a high proportion of unsealed surfaces. The entrance to the new neighbourhood is formed by a large square that connects the railway station, the school and the new residential quarter. Various meeting and recreational areas will be created here, structured by large green spaces. Attractive public squares and play areas without traffic congestion will be created in the residential neighbourhood. Semi-public residential courtyards as well as private and communal green spaces create communicative neighbourhoods.

Eugen-Bolz-Secondary School | Rottenburg

A central courtyard between the old and new buildings forms the new heart of the school campus. This courtyard is largely underpinned by a bunker, so raised beds for perennials and shrubs are required. Chill and learning decks create meeting places between the planting.
For the younger children, the large playground offers plenty of space for games, sport and exercise. Some calisthenics equipment or parcours elements are to be added here.
Under the theme of climate resilience, the new school campus offers both structurally rich vegetation areas and rainwater management as a circulation system. Other factors are intended to promote biodiversity and create a sustainable environment.

City Centre | Borgentreich

The design concept for the town centre area of the organ town of Borgentreich envisages an upgrading of the historically significant ensemble of church, organ museum and the surrounding half-timbered houses. A strong, green framework will create a central square where the church and the organ museum are located, thus creating a new centre that is appropriate to the location. This square offers space for intergenerational stays, festivals, markets and meetings in front of the church. Appropriate shading and evaporation areas and the use of light-coloured materials will create a climate-adapted urban space.

Local Supply | Göttingen

The open space concept includes spacious green inner courtyards and neighbourhood squares, where climate-friendly mobility and facilities are planned with insurable areas, numerous recreational facilities, day-care play area, planting of useful plants and the creation of green roofs.

Hilgenfeld | Frankfurt

The design focuses on connecting the individual residential areas by creating a green link between the public open spaces. The resulting cross-connection, which includes occasional extensions and squares, is intended to increase the proportion of greenery in the neighbourhood and create meeting places. In addition, certain areas offer space for play and sports facilities. Retention areas are intended to store rainwater locally so that it can evaporate or seep away with a time delay.
Kornblumenplatz forms the heart of the neighbourhood. Here, cafés and commercial areas are intended to enhance the quality of life. Planting areas on the edges of the square round off the concept.

En route to the lake | Inden-Schophoven

In the coming years, the surrounding area in the centre of Schophoven will be transformed into an extensive recreational area with a lake, focusing on sustainable developments and the effects of climate change. The park will integrate the Müllenark estate as a tourist area with a green inner courtyard. A blue-green band, accompanied by retention troughs, connects the estate with the edge of the lake, enables rainwater utilisation and creates a versatile recreational space. The park will be modelled using local materials, thus emphasising the responsible use of resources. The planting is planned to be as diverse as possible, with a focus on species diversity and biodiversity. The promenade and the transition to the lake will be developed in stages, with a protective wall to be retained. The lighting concept developed will ensure a night-time atmosphere, safety and consideration for the environment.

Brunnenquartier | Karben

The Brunnenquartier in Karben will be a future-oriented residential neighbourhood characterised by its blue-green infrastructure. An important element is the green corridor with the car parks to the north and east. This interlocks with the neighbourhood with green fingers of different widths and lengths, thus offering more quality and good accessibility to the open space. The proximity to Frankfurt and the direct connection to rail transport also represent great potential for the neighbourhood and its development.

Vocational Training Center | Bamberg

The design for the Bamberg vocational training center primarily uses the large forecourt of the building, but also the small inner courtyards that result from the architecture. A spacious green area with seating gives the forecourt a certain quality of stay. Adjacent to this, a green parking area will provide sufficient parking spaces. In the inner courtyards, plants combined with seating invite you to take a break in the sun.

Astrid-Lindgren-Avenue | Cologne-Brück

The urban development planning of the area should fully utilise the potential of the new neighbourhood under sustainable principles. The preservation of green spaces and the new planning of communal and public open spaces should strengthen the connection between indoor and outdoor spaces and open up new opportunities.
A neighbourhood square forms the new focal point, which is both the intersection of various paths and a visual connection. Courtyards arranged to the side are thus given a quieter atmosphere and form an exciting contrast.

Lindgens-Areal | Cologne

The plaza in front of the Lindgens site creates a new, high-quality urban open space at the entrance to the new quarter. The design, with its lush, green planting areas and robust, paved pathways and plazas, aims to create a balance between an urban, stone square and a landscaped pocket park, with a focus on creating a high quality of stay and networking with the adjacent urban and green spaces.

Plankerheide | Krefeld

The outstanding quality of the new neighbourhoods is their location between the park-like cemetery and the nature reserve of the Bruch. The concept organises the neighbourhoods as islands in the green space and creates connections via green corridors between the cemetery and the fields.

Sonnenhof | Pforzheim

The concept aims to preserve the special quality of the site and to reconnect already existing functions, spatial and pathway relationships. The added row building creates a spatial reorganisation: it forms a pivotal point that spans its public functions with the community centre and after-school care centre in the south, opens the triangular outdoor space of the after-school care centre to the school, and arranges a residential use above it that is oriented alternately to the existing green spaces.

Day Care Centre Ernst Fahlbusch | Göttingen

With the new building of the day care centre, another educational and social facility is integrated into the existing urban situation of the city. A spacious forecourt including parking spaces forms the entrance area and offers enough space for daily exchange among parents or for events of the KITA.

Milestone Federal district | Bonn

The high-rise integrates into the block-like structure and serves as a residential and office building with a variety of ground floor uses. The open spaces consist of a lit inner courtyard in the foyer and a publicly accessible green plaza.

Garden City Allendorf | Bad Salzungen

For the open space, an attractive sequence from public to private green is proposed - from the "green centre" on the slope, to the more intimate residential courtyards with meeting places and tenants' gardens, to the private gardens directly at the house - generous balcony zones and façade greening also enable greenery on the upper floors with their own cultivation possibilities. The largely car-free neighbourhood is accessed from the outside, and sufficient parking spaces are provided for stationary traffic on the peripheries.

Gassnerallee Customs Port | Mainz

The new building ensemble consisting of a daycare center and a three-field gymnasium plays a special role in the Zollhafen district, which is otherwise dominated by residential and commercial activities. The visual relationship to the urban space, daycare center and gymnasium are open through a glass facade.

New Campus Mathematics and Computer Science University of Münster | Münster

The urban design concept places the new building with setbacks along Einsteinstrasse, defining the main access into the building and the access to campus. A central campus plaza is created with zoned green spaces and pathways that create attractive open spaces and logical diagonal crossings.

Open space and square design for the new streetcar line Hubland district | Würzburg

Existing squares with their deficits in terms of quality of stay and function, climate resilience, address formation, identification and representation, networking, mobility and proportion of green space will be renegotiated in the course of the redesign and transformed in line with the times through a redesign. This offers Würzburg an opportunity to make important squares more tangible again and to qualify them with new functions and qualities depending on the urban context.

Town Hall extension at Droste-Hülshoff-Platz | Bottrop

The landscaping concept for the Town Hall extension displays clear-cut linearity and employs recurring elements and a long vista to connect the Town Hall with the inner city.

Stephansstift Green District , Building Site 5 – nursing home, senior housing | Hannover

In the south of the newly created ‘Green District’, a new nursing home building is being planned with associated open space which, due to its location, will function as an entrance to the new neighbourhood. In order to do justice to this task, the scheme offers a generous, open square composed of water-bound road surface, which picks up on the tree motif from the existing buildings to the south. This large square acts as a distinctive marker to signify the main entrance to the southern building block. In addition, the entire square is designed as an infiltration-ready porous surface.

New Störschleife | Itzehoe

In the center of Itzehoe, the design creates a new, high-quality open space, where the 'Neue Störschleife' and the Stör as an experienceable element are the focus.
Basically, the 'Neue Störschleife' continues to follow the historical course, but a varied water experience space, which is characterized by different sections and a multifunctional use, is created by a jump. The central place, north of the AOK building and the theater, has a special significance, as it is one of the few large, open squares in the city center. The entire square area will be designed barrier-free and will be given a special quality by arch-shaped benches and various places to stay along the water areas.

Emil-von-Behring Secondary School | Spardorf

The new building for Emil-von-Behring secondary school is located on a newly created east-west axis, giving it both a strong identity and a prominent position on the campus. Lying between the buildings that flank this campus axis – which also serves as an access route – are squares dedicated to various uses. Parking space for bicycles and cars is clustered in the northeast of the site. In the south, between the new building and the school canteen, a schoolyard is being created that can also be used for games. To the northwest, the grammar school’s green landscaped entrance courtyard connects up with the periphery of the woodland. Emil-von-Behring-Gymnasium’s new building, together with the canteen, library, sports hall, and Ernst-Penzoldt School, are all aimed at creating a new and sustainable school campus. The focus will be on learning, community and communication.

School Campus Gellershagen | Bielefeld

With the new extension to the secondary school and the new buildings for the primary school and triple sports hall complex, building work to the school campus in the Schildesche neighbourhood has now been completed. The schoolyard is flanked on all sides by the school buildings, creating a protected area in which children can move around safely. Service areas are clearly zoned, while axial vistas and paths link the school campus with its urban neighbourhood.

Mainova Campus Solmsstraße | Frankfurt

The Mainova site on Solmsstrasse is being expanded, and the site‘s existing buildings integrated into the plan. A key elementary element – the so-called “connector” – links the existing structures with the new and will serve both as an access route and as a space for bringing people together across the entire extended campus. In the west, a residential area with courtyards and underground parking is being created, and in the east, the new campus. To meet various safety stipulations, this arrangement entails zoning the public and private open spaces differently. Traffic will be calmed to create new pedestrian routes between buildings for employees.

City Hall | Weilmünster

The New Town Hall Weilmünster is to be a lighthouse project in terms of inner-city integration, functionality and sustainability. The urban development concept envisages a town hall building consisting of two simple structures, which supports the structural unity of Weilmünster in this quarter.

FORUM Communication Center | Jena

With the Communication Center Forum, the Friedrich Schiller University is creating a building in the city center of Jena, between the Inselplatz campus in the east and the historic city center in the west, planned according to ecological guidelines for attractive meeting and work opportunities between students and teachers.

Town Hall Market | Bebra

The traffic-calmed market square will be redesigned as a multifunctional space with generous stairs, benches for lingering, a water feature and complementary tree planting. The town hall and the surrounding stores are accessible without barriers.

Cuno-Raabe School | Fulda

Tower185 is to be supplemented by two further sustainable high-rise buildings to form an ensemble on the Millennium site. The future tallest building in Germany for offices, hotel and observation deck and a high-rise for different residential structures will be created. The areas on the city level will be equipped for citizens with stores, gastronomy and common areas for residential and office-related uses.

High-Rise Marienplatz| Darmstadt

Tower185 is to be supplemented by two further sustainable high-rise buildings to form an ensemble on the Millennium site. The future tallest building in Germany for offices, hotel and observation deck and a high-rise for different residential structures will be created. The areas on the city level will be equipped for citizens with stores, gastronomy and common areas for residential and office-related uses.

6-Lakes Wedau – Quarter at the water tower | Duisburg

In the development of the urban design, the "good" neighbourhood in the area is in the foreground.

“Blasius-Blick” residential district, Kaufbeuren

This new residential district in Kaufbeuren, located near the old town centre, is designed to offer future residents an attractive, locally rooted, and climate-friendly area in which to live. In all aspects of the project, attention has been focused on providing accessibility for all and contemporary design.

Millennium Areal | Frankfurt

Tower185 is to be supplemented by two further sustainable high-rise buildings to form an ensemble on the Millennium site. The future tallest building in Germany for offices, hotel and observation deck and a high-rise for different residential structures will be created. The areas on the city level will be equipped for citizens with stores, gastronomy and common areas for residential and office-related uses.

Family Center, Learning Workshop and Daycare Center, Waldau Campus | Kassel

The new building for the family center with learning workshop and daycare center at the Waldau campus complements the Waldau elementary school with another educational and social facility.

Redesigning the Alter Markt and surroundings of Gudensberg Church | Gudensberg

With the design contribution 'The Gudensberg Terraces' a contemporary open space concept was developed, which is oriented urbanistically to the Obernburg and to the Protestant Town Church of Gudensberg. The terraces support the atmosphere of the place and the historical value of the 'Alter Markt'. New and modern open space qualities are created.

Ochsenau – Bereich Ost | Landshut

The development of the Ochsenau district is based on its surroundings and the parameters requested by the sponsor.

Redesign of Holstenstrasse of the Old Market | Kiel

As a result of the central inner-city redesign, specifically the areas of Holstenplatz, Schevenbrücke to Heinrich-Ehmsen-Platz and Oberer Holstenstraße, a coherent urban hub has been created that does justice to Kiel's influence as the state capital.

Young Lives in Coburg | Coburg

Based on our design contribution of developing Coburg into a swarm city, as an impulse project, we proposed a residential area at the interface of the inner-city urban fabric.

State Vocational School for Product Design | Selb

The new building is divided into four pavilions, which are arranged in a windmill-like formation around a common center with a green inner courtyard.

Landmark Turbine factory | Mannheim

The 'landmark building' is designed as a floating volume above an elongated 6-storey plinth building. The base provides the boulevard extension of Rollbühlstrasse with an urban setting and enables the clear contouring of the turbine plant area.

Suburban Development | Bonn

In the development of the urban design, the "good" neighbourhood in the area is in the foreground.

Literaturquartier | Essen

Der Entwurf sieht vor, die durch die Bebauungsstruktur, entstehenden Freiräume in ihrer räumlichen Wirkung zu verstärken und unterschiedliche Atmosphären zu erzeugen, die vielseitige, qualitativ hochwertige Aufenthaltsorte entstehen lassen.

RT unlimited and BETZ-Areal | Reutlingen

Climate change and social change are the outstanding issues of future-oriented development. The climate turnaround can only be achieved if a turnaround in transport design is also successful.

Habakuk Daycare Center | Friedrichshafen

The basic concept of the open space planning revolves around a clearing motif.

Officebuilding GIZ Campus | Eschborn

The open spaces flow around the new GIZ building in soft lines. Clinker terraces and gravelled areas interact with green spaces overgrown with trees to form a spatially attractive sequence of open spaces ...

Community School | Neunkirchen

The town center community school is being redefined in terms of structure and content. The new design emphasizes this notion with an assertive, and striking architecture.

Wolffskeelhalle | Markt Reichenberg

The surrounding open space of the Wolffskeelhalle is structurally divided into two levels, a “lower” level on the 2nd basement of the hall and an “upper” level on the ground floor.

Train Station | Soest

The modern urban expansion of the old city of Soest has so far been carried out by primarily building single-family houses.

Townhall of the future mg+ | Mönchengladbach

The competition entailed designing a harmonious fusion between the historic townhall and its contextual block structure, the Karstadt department store and the Sparkasse building to form a unified core ensemble. 

Construction of a triple sports hall | Northeim

The competition requested a design strategy for the functional and high-quality embedding of the new triple sports hall, within the area’s urban and landscape context.  

Deutsch-Deutsches Museum | Mödlareuth

Mödlareuth is an authentic living symbol of the German division, as this partition is still present today in both appearance and structure.

Marienplatz | Darmstadt

The competition included the design of a modern high-rise building with a complimentary landscape layout that would optimize usability, comfort and overall aesthetics. 

New Daycare Facility | Aschaffenburg

The competition entailed the design of a daycare facility with a corresponding landscape design to maximize the potential. 

Extension of the new district house Nordfriesland | Husum

The open space concept provides a functional, structural and high quality embedding of the building ensemble (district house, new building extension, and parking garage) into the existing urban and landscape structures.

Lecture Hall and Event Center | Bremen

As an expression of a future-oriented University of Bremen, the competition formed the design of a new building, intended as a lecture hall and event center, to be built at the heart of the University.

Urban Expansion – Kronsberg Süd | Hannover

The demarcation of the outdoor areas is resulted from the private front gardens, as the apartments correlated the private gardens to the communal courtyard.

New townhouse | Bergisch Gladbach

The open space concept follows the claim of optimal informal passing options of the square.

Western Context of the ICE Train Station Fulda | Fulda

The task entailed the planning of new urban squares and green spaces, with high quality resting areas, near the train station.

Dieselstraße 2c in Area Hamburg-North | Hamburg

The design aims to complement the new housing development through a functional, creative, and high quality open space, which adapts with the existing urban planning and landscape structures. A new green network with essential connections has been created for the neighborhood through the linkages between the existing and newly designed open spaces.

Hotel at Lake Titissee| Saveris on the Lake

Here the external landscaping has been adapted in response to the local building tradition.

New building dormitory BGZ Simmerrath | Aachen

With the traditional architecture the continuation of landscape has been provided by green car parking surfaces and linear tree design on the east side of the area.

Luisenhöfe | Aachen

The scheme take up existing urban imprint and further extends it.

Resident scheme at Buchholzer Grün | Hannover

To the north of the site, existing woodland encroaches onto the new district and weaves the new residential area into the surrounding urban landscape.

Access building Jülich Research Centre GmbH

The access building forms basically a square, and this motif is also reflected in its courtyard.

Konrad Adenauer Place and station area | Düsseldorf

Konrad Adenauer Platz is a highly frequented plaza located in front of Düsseldorf station, and crossed by countless travellers, day-in, day-out.

Masterplan for Karlsruhe Neureut – Centre III

The masterplan for Karlsruhe Neureut – Centre III demonstrates how open spaces in the new districts can be tied in with the surrounding landscape.

1. Price | Knielingen | Karlsruhe

The surrounding streets are planted with trees. The existing wall on the Eggensteiner-Str. is worth preserving and is integrated into the design.

1. Price | Timber Housing Area | Kouvola, Finland

The City of Kouvola organized this international design competition for an area in development in a scenic location right by the River Kymi.

1. Price | Freight Station Developement | Tübingen

The redesign of the grounds of the former freight depot site in Tübigen is also part of the proposed urban design concept which highlights this area as a distinct address in the new district.

1. Price | Green Centre | Essen

The planned construction site neighbours directly on the park in the university district and therefore constitutes an ideal location for a pleasant residential area.

1.Price | innovative living facilities for students

An attractive public space for walks and relaxation has been created along a boulevard stretching out between two roundabouts.

1. Price | Lido Bad Arolsen

The new lido is located along the access road in the southern area of the beach facilities. Densely wooded vegetation stretches out on the southern side of the building.

1. Price | Extension Grammar school St. Leonhard Aachen

The square at St. Leonhard Gymnasium, in need of new definition and circulation, is planned with a loose arrangement of thrones and a distinctive border edge defined by hedges and wall, known as the ‘Green Wall’ and the ‘Stone Wall’, as key zoning elements.