12 | 2023 Rebranding

GTL Landschaftsarchitektur

It has been an eventful year - with Katrin Mauer and Sonja Bruns, the previous office owner Michael Triebswetter has two new partners at his side. Together they founded GTL Landschaftsarchitektur Triebswetter, Mauer, Bruns Partner mbB and opened the Hamburg office at the same time.


10 | 2023 Advanced Training

Exkursion Ruhr Area 2023

This year's office excursion took us to the Ruhr region. Here we visited projects on the topics of 'brownfield sites, slag heaps, landscape parks and Emscher renaturalisation' in a total of eight cities. Lectures by guides provided exciting impressions and background knowledge.


09 | 2023 AWARD Ceremony

Award ceremony German Landscape Architecture Prize 2023 in Berlin

We are very happy about the award of the bdla for "Landscape Architecture in Detail" and congratulate also our colleagues who were awarded in other categories!


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04 | 2023 AWARD

Award at the German Landscape Architecture Prize 2023

We are very happy about the award of our project ´Hafenumfeld Bad Karlshafen´ for the category „Landscape Architecture in Detail“.

©Nikolai Benner

04 | 2024 Award

Competitionline Ranking 2023

We were speechless when we received this great news! We won bronze in this year's Competitionline Ranking! GTL won a total of 23 competitions last year, an incredible success for the whole team!

We believe that the expansion of our management team has played a key role in this success. "We can discuss things more intensively and delve deeper into the competitions. At the same time, our interdisciplinary design team is a great asset. "The mix of experienced professionals and young talent is also the secret of our success. This is how we promote innovation and secure our young talent at the same time."

We would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone involved! Without the outstanding work, creativity and passion of the competition team, this achievement would not be possible!

04 | 2023 AWARD

Competitionline Ranking 2022

Top 20! We are happy about the 14th place in the Competitionline Ranking 2022 in the category landscape architecture out of 2,600 offices in Germany. Many thanks to our competition team for their excellent performance. 

05 | 2022 AWARD

Competitionline Ranking 2021

We are pleased that we are also among the 20 best landscape architecture firms in Germany in the last, challenging year! Our thanks go first and foremost to our team, which did a super job despite the circumstances. We do not want to forget all our competition partners, without whom this achievement would not have been possible!

05 | 2022 AWARD

Otto-Borst Prize 2022

We are proud to announce that our project "Redesign of the harbor environment" in Bad Karlshafen was awarded the Otto-Borst Prize 2022 by the International Network of Historic Cities during the international city conference of the Forum Stadt in Meran. The award was given to the city of Bad Karlshafen as the developer and the planning offices GTL/ Michael Triebswetter (Kassel) and Oppermann GmbH (Vellmar) with the special prize in the category of open space design. A total of 23 entries from Germany, Austria and Switzerland were submitted to the jury.

04 | 2021 AWARD


Also this year we can proudly announce that we are one of the most successful competition offices in Germany! Our thanks go first and foremost to our team, which despite the circumstances did a great job, we don't want to forget all competition partners without this the performance would not have been possible! We are happy about a 9th place!

06 | 2021 PROJECT

Upper, lower, Pferdemarkt | Frankenberg (Eder)

Project Launch

The city of Frankenberg is planning to redesign the historic old town, specifically in regards to the areas of upper, lower and Pferdemarkt. The approximately 18,500 square meter area is part of the Active Old Town, Lively Centers funding area. This project focuses on the preservation of the historical footprint within the scope of monument protection, enhacement of the green infrastructure and lounge areas, reduction of the current vehicular road, barrier-free surface design and lighting concept.
Based on our initial draft concepts, along with the engineering office Oppermann GmbH, we were able to convince the city during the negotiation phase and were consequently awarded the contract. Perspektive: © GTL