Millennium Areal | Frankfurt

Recognition I Millennium Areal


In collaboration with  schneider + schumacher

The interplay between green courtyards and stone urban space creates attractive and spatially differentiated outdoor lounges. Loosely set, the multi-stemmed field maples in the courtyard and to the left and right of the entrance plaza form a light-filled canopy that frames and sets the scene for the fountain plaza in front of the main entrance.

A cleverly controlled, flush-to-the-ground fountain and spray field, which can be turned off when needed, together with the bench elements, make the forecourt a popular gathering place. The tree canopies continue into the central courtyard, where loosely placed tree locations are generously underplanted with shade shrubs and ferns. This creates small-scale, green spaces. To make the play area in the kindergarten as contiguous as possible, a linear play and climbing element that accommodates all of the expansive play equipment uses the windowless firewall facing the courtyard.

In the courtyard, the paved amenity areas are reduced and broken up in favor of an even larger greening component.