Young Lives in Coburg | Coburg

3rd Prize I Young Lives in Coburg


In collaboration with Babbler + Lodde Architekten, NABE architecture

Based on our design contribution of developing Coburg into a swarm city, as an impulse project, we proposed a residential area at the interface of the inner-city urban fabric. With the new urban reorganization, open spaces and buildings shall be connected. The result is a quality urban quarter that is publicly accessible across all levels of use.

For the desired surprise-effect within the living plots of the user group of young professionals, trainees and students in the age group of 18-28, we are developing a unique landmark in a special place. The reorganization at the transition from the urban to the suburban / semi-urban structure takes place through a structural gesture with responses to the respective defining urban characteristics.

Lageplan © GTL, Babbler + Lodde, NABE

As a result of the stepped building’s inner orientation, a relaxed atmosphere portraying a more suburban building plot for private residential units with gardens and greenery is created. The common lounge area, encompassed by the building volume, is linked to the public space on its south and east sides.It is considered the heart of the quarter and can function both as a public, and as a private outdoor area. From here, clear staircases open up all the new building’s levels to the public.

In addition, and due to the proximity of the Quarter to the Itz, we encourage the development of a master plan that respects the flow of the river and the riverbank as an attraction point, and not as a forgotten backyard which brings its built-in qualities to life at least in the immediate vicinity of the competition site.

The stepped building can be accessed from the inside of the quarter via open stairs. Large terraced areas in the front allow public access to all residential units on all levels and simultaneously offer a piece of individual privacy in the form of a sun deck or roof garden.

The implementation part is also connected to the existing building, which shall be converted into “building bridges”.

The first floor of the realization section, houses the higher-level functional areas. The cafe-laundromat and common room face the inner courtyard to the south. The laundromat, multifunctional room, garbage room, workshop and bicycle storage area are oriented towards Heiligkreuzstraße.

The stairs to the standard floors begin from the passage to the inner courtyard.
The various residential units are housed on the terraced standard floors. The living modules are chosen so that each unit is always connected to the terrace on the courtyard side. All units have access to the outdoor space as a lounge and traffic zone.

State Vocational School for Product Design | Selb

1. Prize I Design Studio State Vocational School for Product Design


In collaboration with Atelier 30
Urban development context and references to open spaces

The new building is divided into four pavilions, which are arranged in a windmill-like formation around a common center with a green inner courtyard. The main building is accessed via a forecourt into a bright foyer passed Hutschenreutherplatz. A local granite paving from the Fichtelgebirge is planned for the square.

An inlaid grassy area with a birch grove and benches made of granite blocks is deliberately designed with the paving. In addition, parts of the square will also serve as an open space for the break area of the future refectory with complementary bicycle parking. The sheltered bicycle parking is located behind the passageway between the new building and the 2nd building.

Location map © GTL, Atelier 30

© Atelier 30

Due to the pavilion-like arrangement of the studios and workshops, the building communicates evenly with the surrounding open spaces on all sides. In addition, the building volume, through the presented granularity of the individual structures, leads to a subtly proportioned ensemble for the site.

In addition to the main entrance, further side entrances are created around the building at sensible locations for students. This flexible access system also allows all studio areas to be reached via an asphalt path. This is implemented via a layer of dispersed and rolled-in granite fine chippings/quartz sand mixture

© Atelier 30
© Atelier 30
© Atelier 30

A second road leads directly to the parking spaces, as well as the waste disposal area in the eastern area of the competition site. These features are proposed behind the building to give the new vis-a-vis to Hutschenreuterplatz and the Spiegelhaus-Regenbogenhaus-Pförtnerhaus ensemble an appropriate address. In addition to the proposed birch grove on the forecourt, a mixed planting of native deciduous trees is proposed on the green areas and the rest of the site.

Literaturquartier | Essen

3. Prize | Literaturquartier


The design strategy provides the open spaces created by the buildings, spatially strong and versatile atmospheres that further create diverse, and high-quality places of stay.
Surrounding, and existing connections are linked to create a strong network.

The concept enables a strengthened east-west connection, which ensures a clear and well-arranged flow of pedestrian and bicycle traffic. This connection has a strong urban and public character, which allows versatile uses and functions.

Darstellungen: GTL

The design of the central square of the quarter, which is part of this connection, divides the usage requirements into lively, open areas and quieter areas of retreat. This is achieved by means of strict space-forming elements in the form of folded, partially greened wooden decks. These are arranged in such a way that a clear axis is kept free to ensure traffic influx.

The three decks move away from the traffic axis and thus create locations that are centrally located on the square, but simultaneously have a certain distance from the heavily frequented area of the square. In addition, the open spaces assigned to the buildings are kept free for commercial and gastronomic uses. There is a clear zoning of the square!

The greening of the north-south connection flows into the more private courtyards of the development, creating a more spacious, park-like atmosphere. Diverse, and selectively set play areas are integrated into the design of the green spaces which create a varied, and creatively appealing offer. While tall trees on the urban east-west axis emphasize the generosity of the open space, in the north-south connection, smaller multi-trunk tree plantings in combination with wild perennials are implemented.

Our design language is influenced on the one hand by the urban structure and in an abstract form on the subject of literature. The folded wooden decks are derived from the image of an open book and materialized. They can be used in many ways, whether for sitting, lying or playing. You have to explore and discover it … just like a good book.

Konrad Adenauer Place and station area | Düsseldorf

1st Prize | Konrad Adenauer Place and station area


In collaboration with RKW Architektur +, Düsseldorf, and Vössing Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

Konrad Adenauer Platz is a highly frequented plaza located in front of Düsseldorf station, and crossed by countless travellers, day-in, day-out. This elongated space runs adjacent to the similarly elongated station building. The design emphasizes this length with a row of trees running along the facade. This will bring a sense of order to the space, further underscored by the slender bus stops roofs, shaped like leaves.

Hotel at Lake Titissee| Saveris on the Lake

1st Prize | Hotel at Lake Titisee

Saveris on the Lake

In collaboration with Franken Architekten GmbH

Here the external landscaping has been adapted in response to the local building tradition. Regional fruit tree varieties and the deciduous trees typical of the Black Forest are elements that link in with the existing landscape. Retaining walls and paved surfaces are made of traditionally used local materials, underlining the connection with the region.

Townhall of the future mg+ | Mönchengladbach

3rd Prize | Townhall of the future mg+


In collaboration with RKW Architektur+, Arup Deutschland GmbH, Görtzen, Stolbrink & Partner mbB

The competition entailed designing a harmonious fusion between the historic townhall and its contextual block structure, the Karstadt department store and the Sparkasse building to form a unified core ensemble. 

In order for this combination to succeed, the focus of the design resided on a central square in the heart of the ensemble: an agora. Through it, the connection between the market square and Stresemannstraße widens, and the narrow north-south axis further creates a spacious room that adds to the east-west dimension. Hence, a plus arises.

Green axes were developed to compliment the design in terms of functionality, environmentally, aesthetically and as a health factor with regard to indoor human well-being. These axes run through the building on both sides, parallel to the agora, and across all parts of the core ensemble. They are materialized as hanging gardens with an intensive planting scheme that trickle down towards a ground-level pool feature.

This combination creates its own thermal effect to ensure air renewal and filtration. In addition, the transparent ceiling structures allow daylight to filter in, which further increases the overall optical and atmospheric experience through the natural combination of light, plants and water elements. These axes are thus designed to allow for optimum meeting and relaxation spaces. 

In the office spaces, natural elements are also integrated in the design strategy through green systems, living(moss) wall features and through planted conference boxes, which not only cater to private and undisturbed conference boxes, but also provide air clarity and oxygen production. 

Last but not least, green roofs were also conceived as part of the design intervention through the integration of concepts such as herb gardens and beehives, which would be managed by a professional beekeeper. These measures were implemented to further impact the work-life balance of the employees. 

Construction of a triple sports hall | Northeim

4th Prize | Construction of a triple sports hall with a grandstand and an outdoor area


In collaboration with Troi Architekten

The competition requested a design strategy for the functional and high-quality embedding of the new triple sports hall, within the area’s urban and landscape context.  

Along the eastern side, the ‘sports boulevard‘, a backbone access, is formed between the existing indoor pool and sports hall, and runs axially through the competition area in a north-south direction. An open space is formed towards the Schuhwall which, in conjunction with the main entrance of the hall, serves as a landmark and orientation point and provides resting spaces. Moreover, the area also mediates at the interface between the parking lot, indoor swimming pool forecourt and the adjacent district. This emphasizes it as a central node at the main entrance.

Various activity zones are located along the sports boulevard to further highlight the lively and versatile usability of the space. Activity examples include a 50m running track, skating facility, workout band, boulder sculpture, and a soccer and street ball court. Along the boulevard are selectively distributed seating to incite users and visitors to stay and linger. The design also integrates preserved and previously existing trees.

The new parking lot can be accessed from two directions via Arentsschildtstraße and Schuhwall. On the other hand, disabled parking spaces are located in the immediate vicinity of the main entrance for user comfort and safety.

The overall design of the landscape strategy compliments the triple sports hall and the immediate context as it enhances the relationship and connectivity. 

Deutsch-Deutsches Museum | Mödlareuth

4th Prize | Deutsch-Deutsches Museum


In collaboration with Benkert Schäfer Architekten Partnerschaft mbB and Babler+Lodde architects

Mödlareuth is an authentic living symbol of the German division, as this partition is still present today in both appearance and structure. The wall that ensured a consistent division between east and west is still partly present and legible in the village image – They are history’s footprint. The open space concept aims to highlight this footprint, in both the village and the landscape context, to connect it with the new museum building. It shall be accessible and usable through the different levels catered for both visitors and villagers alike. 

Marienplatz | Darmstadt

1st Prize | Marienplatz


In collaboration with netzwerkarchitekten GmbH

The competition included the design of a modern high-rise building with a complimentary landscape layout that would optimize usability, comfort and overall aesthetics. 

The open spaces north and south differ significantly. In the north, an urban character is portrayed along the building, supported by a uniform pavement and modern furniture. The character is specifically highlighted in the northern square. The Hügelstraße is supplemented with a pedestrian promenade that connects, on its western end, with the nursery’s forecourt via a staircase with an integrated ramp. The existing avenue, containing a row of Robinia trees, is preserved in the layout. The design strategie also opens up, in the east and west, to the city.

West of the new high-rise is a town square, which is accentuated by a contrast in the material compared to its surrounding context. The square is designed with staggered trees and seating for potential catering opportunities.

The courtyard south of the high-rise is divided by a green layout of trees, plantings and lawn. Play elements for children are also placed to encourage discovery and movement. 

In the southern ground floor layouts of the building, private landscapes are incorporated with surrounding hedges to optimize privacy. 

The roofs of the high-rise are designed with green terraces and urban farming elements for the residents and users.

The roof of the nursery building shall also be equipped with play elements and shade trees to compliment the outer area, where children can enjoy the largest possible movement space thanks to an installed play wall.

New Daycare Facility | Aschaffenburg

2nd Prize | New Daycare Facility


In collaboration with Scheffler + Partner Architekten

The competition entailed the design of a daycare facility with a corresponding landscape design to maximize the potential. 

The playarea allows the children the freedom of space while maintaining high safety levels. The U3-groups play area is located directly adjacent to the building. This layout provides a naturally shielded space with elements such as a nest swing, small slide and sand play. The spacious terrace opposite the building gives the care staff an advantageous overview of the outside area. Older children enjoy more freedom with a space that offers the possibility to engage in Bobby Car Track, a yard and a jungle zone. 

The car parking are deliberately designed without a respective driveway, and instead shall be accessed via the newly designed car park. As a result, bike racks are now placed in a traffic-calmed area and therefor safe for the children to use.

The design highlights the barrier-free concept. All rooms and outdoor facilities are accessible: the ground floor via its own access point and the upper floor via a platform lift. 

Furthermore, all movement areas are designed with compliance with the legal requirements.