07 | 2021 PROJECT

Rewe Green Building| Wiesbaden-Erbenheim


GTL worked on the Rewe Green Building project in Wiesbaden together with the architectural firm acme in the Service Phases 1 - 9. In planning since 2018, the Rewe store was able to open this year on May 27, thus launching a pilot project.

The market revolves entirely around the theme of "sustainability" and takes a look at the shopping places of the future as well as a resource-saving food production. On site, fish farming is carried out on the roof and basil is planted.

The Rewe building stands out not only for its innovative concept, but also for its unusual architectural design. Columns of stacked timber form the supporting structure for the glass roof farm, forming a unique vaulted structure. Inside, customers look out onto a glass atrium, the rooftop greenhouse.

The exterior is characterized by parking lots broken up with green spaces, perennial plantings and a flowering meadow. The greening creates important habitats for wildlife. The proportion of sealed surfaces was reduced and a subsoil capable of infiltration was created. © GTL

07 | 2021 PROJECT

State Garden Show Höxter 2023


This year we opened a new branch in Höxter. The Berlin office of Franz Reschke Landschaftsarchitektur GmbH won in spring 2020 the competition for the Höxter State Garden Show and commissioned GTL for on-site construction management. We are currently preparing the tenders for the award and the start of construction in the fall. We are looking forward to the great project and the successful implementation until 2023.


07 | 2021 PROJECT

Frankfurter Straße Kassel


"Frankfurter Straße in Kassel becomes an avenue again" (HNA).

Today, nothing reminds of the former avenue and greening of Frankfurter Straße. This will change in the next few years due to the funding program "Future Urban Green". Frankfurter Straße will be planted with a three-digit number of trees along the entire stretch between the city center and the Niederzwehren freeway access road, a total of 5.3 kilometers. Concept planning for the entire area has already been completed, with two sections of Frankfurter Strasse considered in more detail (Park Schönfeld to House No. 24). The next step is to implement tree planting in this section.


05 | 2021 PROJECT

Inner city Greening Concept | Kassel

Project Launch

In spring we were awarded the contract for the inner city greening project. During our initial inspections with the Blattwerker company, we were able to get an overall idea of the current conditions of the existing trees, along with our initial assessments in regards to potential new tree locations, green spaces and common areas for the streets and squares.
The planning is part of the 'Future Green City' funding program, which deals with sustainable development specifically in terms of climate protection. Mainly three sub-areas are considered for the planning: Schillerviertel, Kölnische Straße / Ständeplatz, Altstadt / Fuldaufer. The process shall take place in collaboration with the office Oppermann und Blattwerker.
We look forward to making our contribution again in making our city greener and more beautiful. Photo: © GTL


Ochsenau – East area | Landshut

2nd Prize

A new residential area with outlined infrastructure is designed for Ochsenau. It includes a former on-site training area surrounded by a nature reserve which shall re-used and rebuilt. The design concept includes district car parks, apartment buildings with spacious inner courtyards and terraced houses surrounded by single-family houses, all located along a central axis. The outdoor facilities integrate play and leisure activities, as well as a central square to serve as a meeting hub for local supplies and mobility.
Lageplan: © GTL/troi


Redesign of Holstenstrasse of the Old Market in Kiel


The new city square, consisting of a granite pavement of uniform color and material, complements the existing traditional facade along with slab associations. This design also differentiates between the central promenade and docking squares.
Holstenplatz shall be implemented with additional new trees and shall lead up to the future transportation stop. In the northern area of the square, new sports and play areas as well as a fountain / water area are being created. These shall be illuminated at night with lights or artistic video productions of the fog clouds to establish it as a unique place.
The southern part of Holstenplatz invites you to linger with newly planted tree grates with integrated benches.
Lageplan: © GTL


Young Lives in Coburg

3rd Prize | In collaboration with Babbler + Lodde Architekten, NABE architecture

In the suburbs of the old town of Coburg, a green urban residential area is being created for young people between the ages of 18 and 28. These young adults shall consist of professionals, trainees and students. The design includes a reorganization of the Urban planning, renetworking the open spaces with the buildings. The main concept consists of a multi-faceted terrace complex which advances towards the inner courtyard. Different living space scenarios are created in connection with communal, service and cultural areas. The outdoor facilities include roof gardens for growing fruit and vegetables, as well as space for studying and relaxing with a view of the city.
Lageplan: © GTL, Babbler + Lodde, NABE

03 I 2021 PROJECT

Fire station | Titz


The new location of the volunteer fire brigade and the building yard of the municipality of Titz is nearing completion. The next few weeks will see the final asphalt work, planting and installations take place. The building embeds in the surrounding landscape and is characterized by high functionality and synergy effects. The traffic-related details were particularly important, which are complemented with planting and lighting installations. Photo: © GTL


GIZ Campus | Eschborn

2. Prize | In collaboration with schneider + schumacher

The new campus of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH will have a new, highly flexible and modern office building. The outdoor facilities maintain local references and identity features of the GIZ. The open areas inside and outside offer agile working and multifunctional organizational development. Spaces are designed to be multifunctional. Plan: © GTL, schneider+schumacher

02 I 2021 PROJECT

House of Youth | Kassel


A modern city square for young people and children is being created under monument law aspects. The meeting place is characterized by a high-quality polygonal concrete paving. The central element is the curved noise protection wall which, in addition to the function of noise reduction, offers opportunities to stay.
The trees facing the building are preserved, they are planted under with ground cover and perennials. A new plant island with an integrated seating element is being built to Leipziger Strasse, planted with almond trees.
The basketball hoop and table tennis table are the result of the participation of children and young people and offer a spectrum of uses for old and young. Perspective ©GTL, Stadt Kassel