Outdoor facility for HUAWEI

Nanjing | China

Working partnership with Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten + RMJM HongKong
Owner: Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
Area: ca. 22,4 ha
Building costs: ca. 7,42 Mio. Euro
Scope of service: Lph 1-5
Planning period: 2006-2011


The landscape design is based on retaining and enhancing the natural character of the site through sympathetic and complimentary design. The existing site has many unique features that have been drawn upon as the basic elements of the landscape design. These include the natural topography of hills and valleys, the presence of water and existing vegetation. The design response has been to maintain a natural setting that works with and highlights the local sense of place rather than imposing a new character upon the site.

Thus, the design strategy develops the existing qualities of the site. The continuity of the forests on the ridges between the building clusters emphasizes the topography as well as it defines an own landscaped spatial frame for each block. The creation of a series of creeks and terraced small waterbodies not only honours the genius loci and enhances the sensual experience of the landscape, but also presents a forward-looking approach towards a sustainable usage of natural ressources.
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